South Korea Council "Korea-Taiwan Parliamentarians Friendship Association" visited Taiwan from the 28th to the 31st of last month.

(Taken from Li Dakun's Facebook page)

[Reporters Yang Chengyu, Lin Xinhan/Taipei Report] The South Korea Council "Korea-Taiwan Councilors Friendship Association" visited Taiwan from the 28th to the 31st of last month. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs protested and criticized the visit to Taiwan.

Yesterday, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs denounced China for violating the national sovereignty of Taiwan and South Korea; Cho Kyung-tae, the president of the "Korea-Taiwan Members Friendship Association" and member of the National Power Council, also criticized China's move as interference in South Korea's internal affairs, and called Xing Haiming to apologize for his remarks immediately.

Foreign ministry hits back, accuses China of twisting right and wrong

In response to the Chinese embassy in South Korea criticizing South Korean congressmen's visits to Taiwan as "fleeing visits", it seriously violates the "one-China principle" and the spirit of the communique on the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and South Korea.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs hit back yesterday, condemning China's "treacherous visit" statement not only seriously distorting the facts, but also infringing on the integrity of South Korea and my country's national sovereignty and rights.

Premier Su Zhenchang also said in an interview yesterday that if there is a neighbor who keeps pointing and swearing, it is obviously a bad neighbor, and the country is the same, and everyone can judge.

Please read on...

Zhao Qingtai said yesterday that he recently visited Taiwan in a group as the chairman of the "Korea-Taiwan Parliamentarians Friendship Association". During the visit, he met with President Tsai Ing-wen and Legislative Yuan Yu Xikun, and visited the Mainland Affairs Council to exchange views on the tension in the Taiwan Strait and relations between the two Koreas.

He said that South Korea and Taiwan have many similarities. While experiencing similar historical pains, they have also created stunning global economic development and democratization. South Korea and Taiwan should work together on many issues.

Zhao Qingtai Named the Chinese Ambassador: Immediately Apologize

Zhao Qingtai countered China's insults and interference. He said that China's behavior is not what a normal country should do, and should not interfere in internal affairs. "China has neither the right nor the right to do so." Sorry for the remarks.

China should not point fingers at foreign countries' congressional diplomacy.

On the contrary, China must do its best to solve the North Korean nuclear issue and build peace.