The Armed Forces of Ukraine (USU) for the first time in history entered the top 15 ranking of the world's forces, which is compiled by experts of the Global Firepower (GFP) company.

A year ago, the Ukrainian army ranked 22nd.

This year, USU beat the armies of Iran, Israel, Australia, Saudi Arabia, Spain, Taiwan and Germany, RBC notes.

"Ukraine has improved its GFP index over the past year as a result of its resistance to Russia, financial and material support from the West and the introduction of new key parameters," the company's experts say in their comments.

In this year's GFP ranking, Belarus ranks 60th, in terms of military strength, it is between Morocco and Bulgaria.

In 2019, the Belarusian army was ranked 39th in the GFP ranking, in 2021 - 50th.

The list of the strongest armies of the world GFP is compiled annually, starting from 2006.

The states represented in it (there are 145 in the current edition of the rating) are ranked based on data on the number of armed forces, their equipment and training, the potential of the defense and other industries, as well as the financial capabilities of the state, mineral reserves, the area of ​​the country, the length of its borders.

number of states with which it borders, and a number of other factors.

At the same time, only conventional weapons are taken into account, excluding nuclear weapons.

In the ranking of the strongest armies in Europe, Ukraine has risen to the fourth place.

Russia's army remained in second place in the GFP ranking, but experts warned that the gap between it and China's army, which is in third place, has narrowed.

China, according to GFP, is strengthening its position thanks to advances in key categories, while the war launched by Russia has demonstrated the limitations of its potential.

The top 15 armies of the countries of the world include:

1. USA

2. Russia

3. China

4. India

5. Great Britain

6. South Korea

7. Pakistan

8. Japan

9. France

10. Italy

11. Turkey

12. Brazil

13. Indonesia

14. Egypt

15. Ukraine.