Cai Qichang, Vice President of the Legislative Yuan (middle).

(Photo by reporter Zhang Xuanzhe)

[Reporter Zhang Xuanzhe/Taichung Report] Vice President Lai Ching-teh will go to Taichung this Sunday (8th) to give a speech on his political views for running for the chairmanship of the Democratic Progressive Party. However, because the venue is Xingxiu Palace in Taichung South District, it is the meeting of legislator Huang Guoshu. The main constituency has triggered outside political speculation about the layout of the legislators.

In this regard, Cai Qichang, vice president of the Legislative Yuan, pointed out in an interview today that the selection of densely populated places should have nothing to do with the layout of the legislators.

Many politicians in the DPP discussed privately that Huang Guoshu has quit the DPP and said he would no longer run for the legislature, but the overall political situation does not seem to be the case. Who is running for election sparks debate.

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Cai Qichang said that political opinion meetings always have to choose a location, of course a densely populated area, which has nothing to do with the layout of the legislators. Although Huang Guoshu is no longer a member of the Democratic Progressive Party, he is a very good and serious representative of the people. He has long invested in education, culture and local construction. It is also very good, and he is a suitable candidate for the legislative committee, but because he does not have DPP membership, it depends on how the DPP discusses this issue.