Christmas is celebrated on

January 7 according to the Julian calendar.

On this day, Christmas carolers in disguise began to walk.

They sang songs, and the owners had to invite them to the house and treat them.

A day in history



Galileo Galilei

first announced the discovery of the four largest moons of Jupiter.

Portrait of Galileo Galilei, Justus Sustermans, 1638


— the 2nd All-Belarusian Local History Conference began in Minsk.

They were born on this day

1858 - Eliezer Ben-Yehuda,

the "father of modern Hebrew", the founder of Hebraism, was born in the village of Luzhki, Vilna province, now Sharkovshchyna district, Vitebsk region of Belarus.

Event in memory of Elizer Ben-Yehuda, Luzhki village, Belarus, 2013


Yavhim Kipel

, Belarusian teacher and diaspora activist.

Yevhim Kipel



Yazep Adamovich

, chairman of the Council of People's Commissars of the BSSR.

During his rule (1924–1927), the state policy of Belarusianization was carried out.

In 1924, Vitebsk region and Mogilev region, cut off by Moscow almost immediately after the declaration of the BSSR, returned to Belarus under his leadership.

In 1926, it was possible to achieve the transfer of Goml with Rechitsa and seven other districts from the RSFSR to Belarus.

During Stalin's repressions, Adamovich committed suicide (1937).

Joseph Adamovich




Druker, opera singer, People's Artist of Belarus.



Konstantin Zaslonov

, one of the organizers of the Soviet partisan movement on the territory of Belarus.


Vital Horanovich

, poet, teacher.



Mikalai Autukhovich

, public figure, political prisoner.

Nikolai Autukhovich

In memory



Nikola Tesla,

a famous Serbian engineer and inventor in the field of electrical engineering and radio engineering, died.

Nikola Tesla


Yanka Zhurba

, Belarusian poet.



Kondrat Krapiva

, Belarusian poet, national writer of Belarus.

Kondrat Nettle


Anton Shukeloyt,

a member of the national liberation movement of the 1920s-1930s in Western Belarus, a figure in the post-war emigration in Germany and the USA.

29th meeting of Belarusians of North America, 2010. Anton Shukeloyt speaks