Archaeologists from Poland recently unearthed nine thousand-year-old crocodile skulls in two ancient tombs in the Theban Necropolis in Upper Egypt.

The picture shows the statue of Sobek found in the temple of Amenemhat III (Mortuary_temple), Sobek is known as the crocodile god.

(taken from the Internet)

[Compilation of Lu Yongshan/Comprehensive Report] According to a report on the Art News website on the 3rd, archaeologists from Poland have recently unearthed 9 ancient tombs in two ancient tombs in Theban Necropolis in Upper Egypt. Thousands of years old crocodile skull.

A team from the Mediterranean Archaeological Center of the University of Warsaw discovered 9 huge crocodile heads covered with linen and not preserved in any form when excavating 2 ancient tombs in the Necropolis of Thebes. These 9 crocodile heads are Discovered in the tombs of 2 high-ranking officials from the New Kingdom of Egypt, a dynasty established between the 16th and 11th centuries BC.

Archaeologists believe that one of the tombs contains a dignitary and the other contains a high-ranking royal court servant.

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Patryk Chudzik, head of the team at the University of Warsaw's Mediterranean Archeology Institute, which has been excavating the two tombs since 2013, said: "This is a completely unusual discovery, the first of its kind in the history of Egyptian research. Many crocodile mummies, which are mummified whole crocodiles, were deposited in specially prepared catacombs for sacred animals."

These crocodile heads belong to the Nile crocodile.

What's unusual, Chudzik said, is that only the crocodile's head, not the whole crocodile, was buried with humans and not in catacombs where sacred animals were kept; also, the crocodile heads were not mummified, only linen Wrapped in cloth without any form of preservation.

The ancient Egyptians mummified crocodiles, cats, ibis, eagles, snakes and dogs.

Some of these animals, such as cats, were mummified and sold as gifts to the gods in temples.

The crocodile was a sacred animal in ancient Egypt and was seen as an incarnation of the god Sobek, who was associated with the Nile, fertility and military power.

Chudzik said more in-depth research is needed to solve the mystery of crocodile heads buried in human graves.