Lu Qiuyuan said that if there are 10 situations in the group, they must flee.

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[Instant News/Comprehensive Report] Today (5th) the artist Xiao Tiantian wrote a 5,000-word long article on Facebook to accuse her husband of domestic violence, but was persuaded by Song Yimin, the leader of the "Yi Qi Shine" church, and other artists not to The filing of the lawsuit finally led to the incident of being changed, and then evolved to this point.

In this regard, lawyer Lu Qiuyuan said that not only churches, but as long as the participating groups have these "10 points", please flee.

Lu Qiuyuan posted on Facebook that, in terms of Christianity, God has indeed entrusted the shepherd with the mission of shepherding the flock, but some shepherds will abuse their power and hurt the congregation. If the following 10 situations occur, please be sure to escape.

Please read on...

1. Group leaders act dictatorially and do their own way: The leaders in the group have complete discourse power, do not tolerate other people's opinions, and even severely reprimand and criticize as long as there is heresy.

2. Manipulating the psychology of the group or individual: Leaders will quote and interpret classics without authorization, guide the direction of the group, let the group accuse specific people, use their own cognition, force it on specific people, and even accuse disobedient black sheep, Decide that the person is lying, unfaithful, having problems with their private life, mentally disturbed, etc.

3. Encourage prejudice and bullying: Use your own prejudice against a specific person to encourage other members of the congregation to collectively ignore, attack, slander, or even beat a specific person. Once this person asks for help, members will collectively support the leader instead of being bullied people.

4. Publicly humiliate apostates: They will publicize the privacy of the congregation in public, encourage others to criticize, and even think in the name of God that the congregation's thoughts and behaviors violate the teachings of the group and God, and ask the congregation to repent and obey the leader.

5. Create the victim’s guilt: Constantly use various methods to make members think that they have done something wrong, and use an attitude of emotional blackmail to make the congregation think that violating the leader’s intentions means that they are sorry for God, the organization, others, and themselves.

6. Isolate "this person": completely isolate this person, and hope that the congregation will not seek help from people outside the group, and do not accept information from the outside world. Leaders will continue to promote that the outside world is hostile, so as to unite the group's centripetal force.

7. If you betray the group, you will cut off the previous support: Once the members are disobedient, they will cut off the support, which will scare the members physically and psychologically.

For example, psychologically, they will threaten the other party to go to hell and become an animal in the next life; materially, they will threaten the other party to find no job or support in the future.

8. Intimidation and threats alternate with tenderness and consideration: After the threat, he will give some candy to eat, making the victim think that all these things are out of genuine concern, making him alternate between growth and setbacks, and claiming that this is a god test.

9. The family law of the group is higher than the national law: They usually think that many laws of the country are contrary to the teachings and do not need to be respected and obeyed.

10. Requiring unreasonable donations, whether material or physical: Believers’ wealth is given by God, so they should devote themselves wholeheartedly to the group. In fact, it is for the personal enjoyment of the leader.

Lu Qiuyuan said that if the participating groups have these situations, they must flee, and they are not worthy of nostalgia, just like the case of Britney Sweets, which was originally a simple family case, but because church leaders intervened and even criticized the victim's private life, they stopped There are so many controversies when the victim reports the crime.

Lu Qiuyuan also bluntly said that domestic violence is domestic violence for life, unless the perpetrator has great determination, otherwise domestic violence will not change, it will only continue to intensify. Intervene, so that the perpetrator can restrain and stay away, "If someone tries to tell you with the traditional Chinese culture of 5,000 years, your behavior will destroy the relationship between husband and wife, parent-child relationship, interpersonal relationship, and even yourself, or in other words, you must It’s wrong, if there is a problem with your private life, someone will abuse you domestically, this is already a review of the victim’s condition, why should we be buried with such a person?”

☆In case of violence in a cohabitation relationship, the public can call the 113 protection hotline, or seek help from the domestic violence prevention centers of local governments.