Vitamin K plays an important role in blood clotting and bone and heart health.

It supports the health of the nervous system and brain activity.

Although its deficiency is rare, the lack of this vitamin in the diet can worsen your health over time.  

This is what the founder of the School of Health, nutritionist Kateryna Tolstikova, tells us.

The doctor also named the daily norm of vitamin K. It ranges from 70 mcg to 140 mcg.

"In general, vitamin K is a group of compounds divided into K1 (phylloquinone) and K2 (menaquinone). There is also K3, also known as menadione. It is a synthetic form of vitamin K," wrote the founder of the School of Health.

Vitamin K1, the most common form, is mainly found in plant foods.

K2 is only found in animal products and fermented plant foods. 

The most vitamin K1 is in green vegetables.

Vitamin K2 is more in liver and meat.

The best sources of vitamin K

  • Kale (cooked) — 681% of the daily norm per 100 g

  • Spinach (raw) — 402% per 100 g

  • White cabbage - 339% per 100 g

  • Broccoli — 118% per 100 g

  • Beef liver - 88% per 100 g

  • Chicken — 50% per 100 g

  • Prunes - 50% per 100 g

  • Kiwi — 23% per 100 g


limiting or avoiding these foods will help you get rid of fatigue in the middle of the day.

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