Mr. Lin raped the woman twice. The judge believed that he had paid 300,000 yuan, and that he had not thought carefully because he loved her. He was given a light sentence of 2 years and 6 months for "showing mercy".

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[Reporter Zhang Ruizhen/Taichung Report] A man surnamed Lin who is married and has a criminal record of sexual assault, sexually assaulted Xiaofang, the object of his admiration, twice in April and May 2021, and even restricted Xiaofang's actions to express his desire. Lin Nan escaped while going out. He committed the crime of forced sexual intercourse for 3 to 10 years. The judge of the first instance believed that Lin Nan was in love with Xiaofang, and he was unavoidably thoughtful. He confessed the crime and settled with 300,000 yuan. "Mingshu" commuted his sentence to a lighter sentence of 2 years and 6 months in prison. He was still dissatisfied and appealed to the second instance, declaring that he "would harm his wife and children." The judge of the second instance rejected it and could appeal again.

The verdict pointed out that Lin Nan, a high school graduate and engaged in the food industry, committed a crime of sexual assault in 2005 and was sentenced to one year in July. He was released from prison in November 2009. As a married man, he met Xiaofang (pseudonym) through Facebook. At the end of April 2021, he asked Xiaofang to go out and sexually assaulted him in the car. On May 7 of the same year, he lured Xiaofang out again, and then forced him into the car and drove him to his residence in Miaoli. The chair blocked the door, restricting Xiaofang's movement, and the sexual assault succeeded again (because the time was close, the court counted it once). In the early morning of the next day (8th), Xiaofang escaped while he was out, ran to a KTV on foot, and patrolled the roadside Police call for help.

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During the trial at the Miaoli District Court, Lin Nan confessed to the crime. The first-instance judge believed that Lin Nan confessed to the crime, and considering his love for Xiaofang, "it is inevitable that he did not think thoroughly and his self-control ability was insufficient." The minimum sentence for the crime of sexual intercourse is 3 years, which is still considered too severe for Lin Nan. According to Article 59 of the Criminal Law, "the circumstances of the crime are clearly forgivable" and the sentence was reduced. The man appealed to the second instance.

Lin Nan appealed to the Taichung Higher Branch Court, arguing that the first-instance judgment was too severe. He still has an elderly mother and wife who need to be taken care of, as well as children who need to be raised. If he is imprisoned, his relatives and children will be lost. Give probation.

The Taichung Higher Court's second trial held that the sentence of the first trial was already a minimum sentence of less than 3 years, and the sentence was commuted according to Article 59 of the Criminal Law. Failure to learn from the lesson and committing the second crime in this case again shows that he was not vigilant, and his concept of the rule of law is weak and needs to be corrected urgently. He should not be ordered to suspend his sentence.