Lai Qingde's last political statement for the Democratic Progressive Party's election is scheduled to be held at the Guandi Hall in the Eastern District at 7:00 p.m. on January 14.

(Provided by the Tainan City Party Headquarters of the Democratic Progressive Party)

[Reporter Hong Ruiqin/Tainan Report] The Democratic Progressive Party chairman by-election candidate and Vice President Lai Ching-te held a "Report to Party Members" political opinion conference throughout Taiwan. The interviewees have different opinions, but most of them think that Tainan is the birthplace of Lai Qingde's political career. It is very meaningful to choose his hometown, and he sticks to his position to increase his vote rate.

Lin Yijin said that Lai Qingde's political opinion presentation started in his "hometown" in New Taipei City, and he was in his "hometown" in Tainan City on the eve of the election, symbolizing his original intention in politics and striving forward.

Lin Yijin said that she presided over the first session in New Taipei City. The mode of conduct is that the participants speak first, and Lai makes a comprehensive conclusion at the same time to respond to the content of the speech. It is not an instant question and answer, so as to control the time. Regarding the recent frequent controversies in Tainan, it may Becoming the focus of the meeting, I believe that I will also be prepared.

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Wang Dingyu said that Lai Qingde was elected as the first direct-controlled mayor of Shangnan City and was re-elected for the second term. Both of them won a super high rate of votes and set the glory for the DPP to govern. To revive the glory and stimulate the morale of the whole party. Regarding the recent political turmoil in Tainan and the suspicion of bribery in the election of the chairman and deputy speaker, everyone also wants to hear the views of this "old mayor".

Wang Dingyu also said that he supports the inspection and investigation without distinguishing between blue and green, and eliminates all evils. The whole party is determined to rectify reforms. "Tainan is not declining, but politicians have made mistakes."

Guo Guowen said that the Democratic Progressive Party has been in a downturn since its defeat in the nine-in-one general election. Lai Ching-teh's last political speech in Tainan, the chairman of the party, can unite morale and inspire everyone to vote enthusiastically, leading everyone out of the haze and starting again.

Lai Hui said that Tainan has recently experienced frequent social security disputes and disputes over optoelectronic interests. Grassroots supporters are deeply responsible for the difficulties they are facing. Tainan is the birthplace of Lai Qingde's political career. A political opinion conference is more meaningful in Tainan, calling on Tainan party members to unite and vote enthusiastically to become a solid backing force for reform.

Concubine Chen Tingfei said that there is no special meaning, it should be to cooperate with all the itinerary arrangements for reporting to party members.

Lin Junxian believes that it is of special significance for Lai to return to his political hometown in the last presentation. In addition to expressing gratitude to the folks in Tainan for their cultivation, it also means starting from Tainan to repay the expectations of the folks. In his hometown, he vowed in front of the folks that he would lead the DPP to start again; he also felt that Tainan is the most important constituency of the DPP, and it has recently become an eventful year. Relying on this time, it can stabilize the morale of the army and boost morale.

The Democratic Progressive Party chairman by-election will be voted on January 15th. Lai Qingde's political opinion conference will be finalized at 7:00 p.m. Suspicions of bribery cloud, this political statement will attract much attention.