The reward for reporting drunk driving in Kaohsiung is up to 3,000 yuan per case, and the number of reports and bonuses within 5 months are all linked to 0.

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[Reporter Huang Liangjie/Kaohsiung Report] In order to curb drunk driving, the Kaohsiung City Government launched the "Kaohsiung City Rewards for Reporting Traffic Accidents Causing Casualties and Escaping and Drunk Driving Measures". Since August 4 last year, the bonus for reporting drunk driving has been increased, and the report of motorcycle drunk driving You can be awarded 1,000 yuan and 3,000 yuan in rewards for drunk driving. So far in the past 5 months, the number of drunk driving reports has been 0. It is generally believed that the highest reward for reporting hit-and-run crimes is 60,000 yuan, and the highest reward for reporting public danger crimes is only 3,000 yuan. The difference in bonuses is too large, and the addition of the clause of "repelling insiders" may be the reason why the number of drunk driving reports is zero.

In 2013, Kaohsiung City formulated the “Reward Measures for Reporting Traffic Accidents Causing Casualties and Escapes in Kaohsiung City” to encourage citizens to provide clues to hit-and-run cases. As long as they can help the police successfully detect hit-and-run cases, they can be awarded up to 60,000 yuan. Incentive money; In order to maintain road safety and reduce A1 (death within 24 hours) car accidents, the traffic bureau and the police station worked hard to prevent drunk driving accidents. In November last year, the reward method was revised to increase the bounty item for reporting drunk driving. The maximum reward is 3,000 yuan .

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In response to public feedback that the bonus of 1,000 yuan for reporting drunk driving locomotives is too low, and the bonus for "public danger" for drunk driving is much lower than the bonus for "hit and run". The number of hit-and-runs is large, and the public is encouraged to report drunk driving. There is no limit to the number of cases, and the accumulated rewards will be considerable. As for the "rejecting ghosts" clause, it is to prevent whistleblowers from conducting self-inspection for rewards.

The police pointed out that in view of the fact that drunk driving often causes casualties and property losses, which affects people's life and property enormously, Gaoshi has added regulations on rewards for reporting drunk driving.

As long as the public goes to the police station in the jurisdiction where the accident occurred or calls 110 to report the case, they will actively provide the time, location, license plate number, vehicle type, color, driving direction or other specific information to the police, and leave their real names and contact information. You can apply for bonuses if you report data and evidence, seize or report drunk driving cases.

However, if the whistleblower is the owner of the car, or the passengers on the same car or those who drink at the same table, they will not be able to apply for the bonus. Since the number of whistleblowers has continued to drop to 0 for as long as 5 months, the police will review the reasons.

☆Drinking too much alcohol is harmful to health, and drinking and driving is prohibited☆