Legislative changes related to espionage, 2021 State of the National Security Report recommends.

The Cabinet adopted the report before the holidays.

And the proposals in the document must also be discussed by the deputies.

The Penal Code should regulate the punishment of espionage not only if classified information is collected and released, but also the release of "any information which ... is not public and the disclosure of which would create a threat or harm the security of the state ".

The report explains that "the exercise of foreign influence on decision-making processes" will also become punishable.

Strategic communication teams at a central level, such as in the Council of Ministers, could quickly coordinate across departments to identify fake news, another recommendation said.

The report notes that the war in Ukraine has changed perceptions of security.

And because of the serious deficits of our army, he recommends filling them with allies in the short term.

The deployment of Alliance forces in our country is considered a step to strengthen our defense capabilities.

This will "also be a clear signal to the Russian Federation about the unity of the Alliance and its readiness to protect the territory of its members."

In the energy field, it is recommended to start projects for the transfer of energy resources from Central Asia and Transcaucasia, development of the Southern Gas Corridor, cooperation with the USA on the import of liquefied natural gas.

The report on the state of national security for 2021 recommends the Bulgarian National Bank (BNB) Borika system, information systems of the National Revenue Agency (NAA), the Financial Supervision Commission, the National Insurance Institute (NII) and others.

to be added to the list of objects of importance to national security.