Netizens found that Liao's branch had a kanban, and the promotional slogans were quite eye-catching.

(taken from Facebook)

[Instant News/Comprehensive Report] Liao, the godfather of racing, created his own hand-shake drink brand, which caused a lot of controversy, and many stores even went bankrupt because of it.

A few days ago, some netizens found out that in order to improve their performance, a certain Liao Dada branch had put up a billboard at the door with the word "Dou Da" written on it, which made netizens laugh.

A netizen posted a photo on the Facebook group "Explosive Commune Public Edition", and saw a billboard at the door of a certain Mr. Liao's hand-cranked shop, with the words "98 rooms have been sold, if you don't drink it~ it will be out of print." The word "out of print" is very big. In order to survive, the franchise owner can be said to have resorted to all means.

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After the photo was exposed, many netizens laughed, "It's so humorous, I really want to buy it if I encounter it", "We also have a hanging cloth writing collection point to send LV, all tricks come out", "Every All of them have the concept of a pop-up store", "Is it going to be like this?", "The speed of closing the store is as fast as killing a turtle", "This marketing strategy is good".