The Executive Yuan agreed to increase the funeral allowance for agricultural insurance to 306,000 yuan, and Yunlin Prefecture's proposal was adopted.

(Photo by reporter Zhan Shihong)

[Reporter Zhan Shihong/Yunlin Report] The Executive Yuan agreed to increase the funeral allowance for rural insurance to 306,000 yuan, doubling the current amount.

The Agricultural Department of Yunlin Prefecture stated that the county government has been calling on the central government since the year before last to try to increase the funeral allowance of the agricultural insurance to meet the price level and market conditions, and it was finally adopted. It is hoped that the Legislative Yuan will pass the amendment to the agricultural insurance regulations as soon as possible, so that farmers can Enjoy the benefits you deserve.

Zhang Lishan, head of Yunlin County, said that since the promulgation of the Agricultural Insurance Regulations in 1989, the monthly insured amount of agricultural insurance has not been adjusted. And the funeral allowance will also be doubled accordingly. The funeral allowance will be increased from 153,000 yuan to 306,000 yuan, and the maternity benefit will be increased from 20,400 yuan to 40,800 yuan. It coincides with her concept of fully subsidizing farmers in Yunlin County to participate in occupational accident insurance, and her long-term appeal to the central government to "compulsory insurance" for farmers' occupational accident insurance and strengthen farmers' protection.

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The monthly insured amount of agricultural insurance is increased, and the Executive Yuan will also bear the increased agricultural insurance premium after the increase in the monthly insured amount, including the increased premium expenditure of the local government in the first year. The central government stated that the monthly insured amount of farmers' occupational accident insurance and related injuries Benefits and funeral allowances will also be increased; Zhang Lishan said that if the central government can simultaneously absorb the increased premium expenditure of farmers' occupational accident insurance, including the part borne by farmers and local governments, farmers who work hard and depend on the sky for food will believe that The well-being of farmers will be taken care of more comprehensively, and the pressure on local finances will be reduced. It is recommended that the central government take this into consideration.