The leaders of the race for the post of president of the Czech Republic, ex-military Peter Pavel and economist Danushe Nerudova admitted that they smoked marijuana and would not even be against its legalization.

This was said by the main presidential candidates during the pre-election debate, which was conducted by the Blesk portal on January 3.

Yes, Nerudova said that she tried marijuana while still in high school.

At the same time, Pavel 

admitted that he smoked "weed" recently in a circle of friends


Pavel also told about the case when he got behind the wheel of a car in a state of alcohol intoxication, after which he was deprived of his driver's license for three months.

Another presidential candidate, Senator Pavel Fischer, also shared the story of how

he drove a car after drinking alcohol

, but he did it abroad, where it is not punished.

Other candidates for the presidency of the Czech Republic also talked about their shortcomings.

Almost all of them, except for trade union leader Josef Stredula, 

admitted that they used swear

words . 

It should be noted that the ex-prime minister of the Czech Republic, Andrej Babis, refused to participate in the debate.

He ranks second among the leaders of the presidential race.

According to the Median agency, as of the end of December, Petr Pavel (28.7% of votes), Babis (28.5%) and Nerudov (25.1%) are leading among the candidates for the post of Czech president.

The rest of the candidates do not gain more than 5%.

We would like to add that the first round of presidential elections in the Czech Republic will be held on January 13-14, and the second, if necessary, on January 27-28.

It will be recalled that in December in the Czech capital, Prague, a monument to Russian President Vladimir Putin was erected in the form of a goblin holding a gas valve.

Read also:

  • The Senate of the Czech Republic proposes to reward marital fidelity

  • Biden announced a pardon for all those convicted of possession of marijuana

  • Putin did not dream: the president of an African country set a world record for tenure

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