The director of the new space "Luki prison 2.0"

Povilas Azhelis

believes that the transformation of places is a very important thing, and that with the passage of time, Belarus will not need so many prisons.

"You must not destroy and destroy these buildings.

You have to change the mood of this place, and it will also be a symbol, a symbol of how you can now overcome the past and move to another level."

Freedom journalist, former political prisoner,

Oleg Gruzdilovich

visited the museum and creative space in the Luki prison, compared this place with the Minsk prison on Voladasrka Street.

Oleg says that the Belarusian society must first survive everything, and then it will be possible to create museums and spaces for recreation in Belarusian prisons, but the museum is the most important thing here.