In the 2024 presidential election, "Hou Lu Pei" was rumored. Taichung Mayor Lu Xiuyan said yesterday that "any combination can be considered." Vice President of the Legislative Yuan Cai Qichang said today that as a politician, we should pay attention to integrity.

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[Reporter Ou Sumei/Taichung Report] In the 2024 presidential election, "Hou Lupei" came out. Taichung Mayor Lu Xiuyan said yesterday that "any combination can be considered." Vice President Cai Qichang of the Legislative Yuan said in an interview with the media today that as a political figure, we should pay attention to it. Integrity, if you run into the presidential election immediately after the election of Taichung mayor and let the municipal government ignore it, I believe that the citizens of Taichung will not accept it, and it will also violate the expectations of the citizens.

There are many candidates for the 2024 presidential position in the Kuomintang. The outside world named Hou Youyi, the mayor of New Taipei City, and Lu Xiuyan, the mayor of Taichung, as "Hou Lupei". The media said in an interview that the KMT is full of talents, as long as it can be good for Taiwan, the people, and the counties and cities, any combination can be considered, and personal wishes are not important. The key point is to be able to win the election. Completely winning combinations are more important.

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Cai Qichang, vice president of the Legislative Yuan who lost the election with Lu Xiuyan for mayor of Taichung, said that politicians should pay attention to integrity. If they immediately voted for the presidential election after the election of Taichung mayor and let the municipal government ignore it, I believe that Taichung citizens will not accept it and violate their expectations.

During the Taichung mayoral election, when Lu Xiuyan attended the dinner party of the Alumni Association of the Military Academy, she once said that "without 2022, there will be no 2024." Please vote for Cai Qichang in the election of Taichung mayor."