Vice President Lai Ching-teh will go to Taichung this Sunday (8th) to give a speech on his election for the chairman of the Democratic Progressive Party.

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[Reporter Tang Zaixin/Report from Taichung] Vice President Lai Qingde will go to Taichung this Sunday (8th) to give a speech on his political views for running for the chairmanship of the Democratic Progressive Party. However, because the venue is Xingxiu Palace in the southern district of Taichung, it is also the meeting of legislator Huang Guoshu. In the main constituency, is the prospective chairman ready to mediate the election of the legislators in this district?

Worth watching.

At present, there is no competition in the party for Lai Qingde to be the chairman, but as of today, this political opinion presentation meeting, except for the councilors in the district, many councilors including Li Tiansheng, the chairman of the municipal party department, are not aware of it. Regarding this, The organizer said that the venue was only confirmed yesterday, and the Taipei Lai Office should start inviting them one by one today.

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Southeastern District Councilor Zheng Gongjin started sending out card cards yesterday, calling on party members to participate in this political opinion meeting. Legislator Huang Guoshu also posted a post on Facebook, emphasizing that this is a listening tour for Vice President Lai Qingde to run for the party chairman, and calling on party members to actively participate.

However, many politicians in the party discussed privately that Huang Guoshu has withdrawn from the DPP. He also said that he would no longer run for the legislature. However, the current overall political situation does not seem to be the case. Upstairs, but whether Huang Guoshu is re-elected will also have an impact, which also leads to who will run in the next legislative election, which has become a hot topic in this district.

Under such circumstances, there are currently 6 legislators in the 8 districts of Taichung City, including Cai Qichang, who just ran for mayor and failed. As well as Zhang, Liao, Wanjian and other constituencies with convenient transportation, they can all be considered, but Lai Qingde chose Huang Guoshu's constituency to hold the forum, and obviously skipped the city party department to invite Huang Guoshu to lead the invitation. Is there a stalemate in the layout of the legislators in this area?

And does the new department have a further consensus on the candidates for this district?

However, relevant people kept a low profile on this, emphasizing that this is the location chosen by Lai Qingde, Huang Guoshu and other local legislators and councilors will work hard to co-organize it. At present, the election of the chairman will be completed first. In the future, the new chairman will definitely have a plan, but it should not be It will be decided now.

Former MP Chen Shikai emphasized today that there are many difficulties in choosing a venue for Lai Qingde's political opinion meeting. It is convenient for all parties to come. The venue was only confirmed yesterday. Please do not have too many guesses. After the venue is confirmed, the Taipei Lai Office will start inviting people to make this Sunday's event go smoothly.

Councilor Zheng Gongjin issued chart cards to call on party members to attend Lai Qingde's party chairman's political opinion briefing.

(Photographed by reporter Tang Zaixin)

Lai Qingde's Taichung Political Opinion Conference was elected in the constituency of legislator Huang Guoshu. Huang Guoshu also called on party members to participate on Facebook, which aroused political speculation.

(Taken from Huang Guoshu's Facebook page)