Follow up with another 5 big science stories in 2023, following "Look at 10 big science stories in 2023.

(Part One) Same as in Part One.

The other 5 big science stories today are not ranked in importance because they are all equally important.

(6) Esa sends a probe to find life on Jupiter's moons.

In April 2023, the European Space Agency (ESA) plans to send a probe "JUICE" to explore Jupiter and its three icy moons.

to explore for traces of life

From previous observations of Jupiter and its moons, it was found that the three moons are Jenymeck, Callisto and Europa.

It is a moon covered in ice and there is evidence that

There is a large amount of water under the ice covering the surface of the three moons.

Based on human knowledge and experience that where there is water, there is always life that can arise and exist.

Isa then set a plan to send

Yan Jus (JUICE : Jupiter Icy Moons Explorer

) to set sail from Earth.

In April 2023, Juve will continue its journey by the force of gravity of Earth.

moon and venus

to the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter

by arriving and exploring

Asteroid 223 Rosa (223 Rosa)

October 2029

From 223 Rosa, Yanjus will continue his journey until reaching

Jupiter in July

2031, and will then explore three icy moons simultaneously with the Jupiter Exploration.

by the last

The spacecraft will be in its orbit around Genymeck.

To explore Jeny Meek in detail in December 2034 until the end of 2035, when the spacecraft's fuel is running low.

Juice will perform the last mission.

Studying Genie in detail

until it falls into Jeni Meek

Image credit: ESA.

The spacecraft has a wide range of scientific equipment.

to study about the origins of Jupiter

to study the three icy moons

Especially Jani Meek.

In terms of details about the lunar surface ice cover and the water beneath the ice surface.

which is expected to reach the level known as the subsurface ocean ice

to answer the big goal that

What are the chances of life originating and surviving on Jupiter's three icy moons?

EASA has been working on Jupiter's Jupiter program to explore Jupiter and its icy moons since 2012.

(7) End of the World Clock 2023

Keep an eye on the new adjustment of the Doomsday Clock in January 2023. The big factor to keep an eye on is

Effects of the Russo-Ukrainian War

doomsday clock

Start showing the countdown time to the end of the world at midnight 75 years ago (2490 B.E.) The new time setting that is closest to midnight is

in January 2020 at 100 seconds to midnight

The initial factor in the re-scheduling of the Doomsday Clock was the threat of


disaster .

climate change

is the second factor

Later on, two more factors were added:

Biological Sciences and New Technologies

Type of disturbance (disruption) to humans.

time adjustment

(it's really new time

or keep the same time

is the mission of

The Executive Committee of The Bulletin Of The Atomic Scientists

(Newsletter of Atomic Scientists)

, which will meet and reschedule in January of each year.

For the year 2023, the negative factor that will cause the Doomsday Clock to be adjusted closer to the time of the Great Cataclysm is

The more midnight it will be

The problem of climate change is far from the ultimate goal.

Preventing global atmospheric temperatures from increasing by more than 1.5 degrees Celsius before the Industrial Revolution.

and problems from new digital technologies

But the biggest factor is

Effects of the Russo-Ukrainian War

which started on February 24, 2022 until now and is likely to extend further into 2023.

In January 2022, the five leaders of nuclear weapons nations --

China, Britain, France, the United States and Russia

-- issued a joint declaration to prevent nuclear war and end the nuclear arms race.

It is important that

“There will never be a country that wins a nuclear war.

and nuclear war must not happen.”

this joint statement

plays an important role in easing tensions in the global community and is believed

contributing to the end of the world clock of 2022 not being moved closer to midnight

But when the Russian-Ukrainian war

Arose and protracted, especially from experimental ballistic missiles capable of carrying small nuclear warheads.

And Russian President Vladimir Putin's decree "to keep nuclear forces in a state of readiness for special military operations" has made the easing at the beginning of 2022 "tensioned" again from the middle. year 2022 and must keep an eye on that

How will the Doomsday Clock be reset in January 2023?

(8) NASA team with the results of the UFO study.

NASA team to study UFOs

Work began in October 2022. Keep an eye on the results of a study that NASA expects to complete and release results to the public around mid-2023.

from NASA announcement

set up a team to study

"Unexplained aerial phenomenon"


"Unidentified Aerial Phenomena: UAP"

, commonly referred to by the media as the UFO study team.

In June 2022, it was followed by the announcement of a 16-person UFO study team in October 2022. NASA reported that all teams

Has already started working on October 24, 2022, with a nine-month working schedule.

with a budget of not more than one hundred thousand dollars

Image credit: ESA/Hubble & NASA

The 16-person team includes


Spergel, an astrophysicist.

was the team leader as announced in June.

other working groups

It includes scientists, computer experts, artificial intelligence, security experts, science communicators and former NASA astronauts.

NASA announced the reason for the creation of a special team that

An unexplained phenomenon in the air

It is important to national security and

air safety, that is, the goal is not primarily to find answers about UFOs and aliens.

But NASA said

The goal of the project is to gather as much information as possible to report on unexplained airborne phenomena.

(except "confidential" or "classified" reports) from both official and private reports

To systematically plan for further studies and provide more open answers.

NASA said the results of this special team's study

It should be completed on target around the middle of 2023 and the results of the study will be disclosed to the general public.

Of course, for the general public, it is expected to wait for the report of the study of this special team.

In part to tell more clearly about UFOs and aliens.

(9) The first moon tour group

On December 9, 2022, Yusaku maezawa announced eight people who will join him on his moon journey in the "dearMoon" project with the Star spacecraft. SpaceX's starship (SpaceX) is scheduled to travel in the year 2023, which if it really happens and no one cuts it first.

It will be the opening tour for the first time to the moon, with a famous young player, TOP or T.O.P. (TOP) of the K-pop boy band "Big Bang" as a celebrity joining the journey.

Yusaku Maezawa

is a Japanese fashion entrepreneur.

Has signed a contract with

Elon Musk's

 SpaceX in 2018 to take a group of nine people to the moon, at his own expense.

Everyone will be a worker in various fields of art.

And announced the intention of the project

"Dear Moon"


"for art and peace"

The tour group's journey takes about a week in total.

It is closest to the moon at 200 kilometers from the lunar surface.

Yusaku Maezawa, currently 47 years old, is single.

He announced during the lunar tour casting preparations that

He intends to recruit someone who will be his new

"life partner"

to accompany him on the lunar tour, but recently he has announced that

abandon this idea because

"too complicated"

However, it remains to be hoped that

Will the Dear Moon Tour really happen in the year 2023 or not?

SpaceX's Starship spacecraft that will take the Dear Moon crew to the moon.

It has not received an official license from the FAA (Federal Aviation Administration) or the US Federal Aviation Administration.

(10) Cybercrime

COVID-19 has affected people of almost all professions, including students.

Must work or study online at home

with clear information that

computer crime or


In the year 2023, the fear of COVID-19 has decreased considerably, causing people and students to

Back at the office and studying at academia (except for those who are "stuck" in the new way of working online), it's worth watching.

What will be the situation of cybercrime in 2023?

From 2019 to 2021, according to data from


US Internet Crime Complaints Center.

Cybercrime damages in the US increased from $3.5 billion in 2019 to $4.2 billion in 2020 and to $6.9 billion in 2021, consistent with the working situation. The huge increase in online traffic in 2020 and its sequels in 2020.

For Thailand, statistics from

the National Economic and Social Development Council (NESDB)

in March 2022 indicate that more than 50 percent of Thais have experienced online scams.

During the past year, 2 out of 5 people are trusted and victims of cybercrime.

The average damage was about 2,400 baht per person.

And on November 7, 2022, the Minister of Digital Economy and Society Mr. Chaiwut Thanakmanusorn said that since March 2022, there have been reports of crimes. Online up to approximately 100,000 cases and related damages of approximately 20 billion baht. Cybercrime is therefore a serious threat to the country's economy and society and requires more intensive prevention and suppression measures.

Technology Crime Suppression Division (TCSD), Royal Thai Police

is the agency directly responsible for the prevention and suppression of

Investigate and investigate threats from computer crime.

In connection with the spread of COVID-19

It's interesting to keep an eye on that.

When people and students return to work

and study at the office and at the educational institution

Will it affect the further decrease or increase prevalence of cybercrime?

But there is a warning, don't expect too much.

As fewer people work and study online

will significantly reduce cybercrime as well

Because cybercrime has been going on for a long time.

Before the spread of COVID-19

and the trend of using digital technology that increases diversity

and capacity

as well as the complexity from the advancement of digital technology

It makes future predictions more difficult.