Legislator Jiang Qichen.

(file photo)

[Reporter Lin Liangsheng/Taipei Report] New Taipei Mayor Hou Youyi announced plans to let New Taipei City's "son-in-law" and legislator Jiang Qichen take over and move his household registration to participate in the mayor's by-election.

Jiang Qichen's office responded today with a denial, stating that the statement made by a specific person is "absolutely not true."

Jiang Qichen had no relevant plans and never discussed them with Hou.

Jiang Qichen's office stated that the outside world should not make too many speculations. At present, Jiang Qichen's focus is on the Legislative Yuan to supervise the government and strive for construction and resources for the local area.

Jiang also emphasized that 2024 is the presidential election for the legislators, and he will do his best to fight for the re-election of the legislators and fight for construction benefits for the villagers.