It is the time of winter holidays, which means that the feasts are accompanied by alcoholic beverages.

In order not to spoil the holidays, it is better to choose the right products, the use of which reduces or neutralizes the effect of alcohol, especially if it suddenly turned out to be too much.

 It is better to drink vodka

So that the strength of vodka does not hit the body so painfully, experts recommend choosing meat and fish snacks, in general, products rich in animal proteins.

Lard, sliced ​​meat, jelly, fish, especially salted, are suitable.

Any pickling or fermentation, such as sauerkraut, salted tomatoes, cucumbers, will help you survive a hangover.

What to eat cognac

Good cognac tasters do not recommend having a snack at all.

But this is if you consume very little of it.

Hard cheese, dark chocolate, caviar, fruits and lean meat can be named among the products that are most suitable for cognac.

Lemon with or without sugar is considered a traditional snack for cognac.

What snacks go well with whiskey

The same snacks as for vodka are suitable for wax.

These are meat, fish, seafood, cheese, fruit, etc.

What to eat wine with

Wine, as you know, is not a heavy alcoholic drink, so it is mostly liked by women.

Connoisseurs of taste and aroma prefer wine.

If the wine is of good quality, if you don't overdo it, and also choose the right snack, it will never be bad.

The best appetizer with wine will be white, lean meat with red wine, lean fish, seafood with white.

And of course, how can we not mention the classic snack with wine - fruits and cheeses.

When choosing dishes for wine, follow the rule - the richer the wine, the simpler the appetizer should be.

So you will not only not spoil the day with a hangover, but you will also be able to fully enjoy the drink.

It is better not to eat alcohol

Among the products with which it is better not to eat alcoholic beverages are fatty meat, because it in itself increases the load on the liver and pancreas, various sweets and cakes.

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