The Kaohsiung light rail Dashun Road street construction project has not progressed, causing doubts from the outside world.

(Photographed by reporter Wang Rongxiang)

[Reporter Wang Rongxiang/Kaohsiung Report] The Dashun section of the Kaohsiung Light Rail Transit has started construction, but non-governmental organizations have noticed that the sidewalks on both sides of the Dashun section that has been opened to traffic or are still under construction are still dilapidated. For ticket skipping, the Gaoshi Metro Bureau clarified that the construction of the light rail can only be carried out after the completion of the light rail, and it will be improved by the maintenance office in the short term.

The Facebook group "Kaohsiung Good Life" who has long been concerned about public transportation pointed out that before the construction of the second stage of the light rail resumed, one of the key points of the improvement plan was the "Dashun Road Human-Created Street" project, which included slightly expanding the sidewalk to 4 meters wide and improving the pavement Materials, improvement of drainage, setting of common pipe trenches for weak currents, etc.

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However, C20-24 has been opened to traffic for more than two months. The Dashun road section that has been opened to traffic has not seen any existing sidewalk improvement projects. If we look at the C25-32 Dashun road section under construction, it will be even more exciting. People are worried.

For example, between C23 and C24, there is a section of the sidewalk opposite Longhua Elementary School with a slope. Because the house is higher than the road, people have to walk diagonally, and wheelchairs and baby carriages have to be pushed diagonally.

In addition, besides the narrow sidewalk and broken pavement near C24, during the meal time, customers and motorcycles of surrounding restaurants often block the sidewalk, making it difficult for pedestrians to move.

Fortunately, when the members passed by the sidewalk of the Fubang construction site at the intersection of Boai and Dashun, relevant personnel from Fubang just came over to investigate the current situation. After questioning, it turned out that the owner was afraid that pedestrians would fall and asked the workers to repair it. The other party revealed that several places had been repaired before. On the sidewalk of the original Dashun Road, private owners are more caring.

Hao Guori pointed out that the current light rail progress has continued to advance, but such as the C24-25 section, where the sidewalks are narrow and often obstructed, or the easter section, where the sidewalks are illegally parked and occupied, there is currently no clear progress in solving the problem; it is expected that the light rail will be completed. When it is round, the pedestrian environment of Dashun Road and the surrounding roads really needs to be completely re-improved, so as not to "do only half of it", and make the light rail's human-oriented friendliness and convenience unable to be fully utilized.

The Gaoshi MRT Bureau stated that the improvement of sidewalks along the surrounding light rail operating sections can only be implemented after the light rail project is completed. In the short term, the maintenance department will first improve it to avoid the impact of delivery and maintenance.

As for sections C20 to 24, people-oriented street construction can be carried out. Under the existing financial resources, we are planning to carry out horizontal cooperation with relevant units of the city government to gradually improve the surrounding pedestrian environment. In the future, we will continue to seek central funding subsidies to accelerate people The construction of the street project was promoted.

The human-centered street construction project on Dashun Road, Kaohsiung Light Rail Transit has not progressed, which has aroused doubts from the outside world.

(Photographed by reporter Wang Rongxiang)

The human-centered street construction project on Dashun Road, Kaohsiung Light Rail Transit has not progressed, which has aroused doubts from the outside world.

(Photographed by reporter Wang Rongxiang)