The 7 black-faced spoonbills that were injured and rescued recovered smoothly and were successfully released into the wild.

(Provided by Nanshi Agricultural Bureau)

[Reporter Wang Hanping/Tainan Report] 7 black-faced spoonbills were rescued after being injured and recovered smoothly. Today, Tainan Mayor Huang Weizhe and other people from all walks of life released them into the wild. At the same time, they called for efforts for conservation work.

The wild release activity was held at the second bird-watching pavilion on Qiguding Mountain. The 7 injured black-faced spoonbills were very active. When the box was opened, 6 of them jumped into the air, and 1 stayed at the scene first. After the "show" Just after flying away, there was a round of applause at the scene.

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From November 24th to 28th this year, 5 black-faced spoonbills were found in Dingshanli, Qigu District, and 2 black-faced spoonbills in Sangu were limp and unable to fly. Volunteers from Niaohui went to the beach to rescue and escorted to the Charity Animal Hospital for treatment.

Huang Weizhe said that Nanshi has accumulated a lot of experience in the treatment of black pipes. He is grateful to the Tainan City Wild Bird Society, Mercy Animal Hospital and related unit conservation volunteers for participating in the rescue, treatment and care of 7 black pipes including N41~N47. He hopes that the black-faced pipes will be released into the wild. All herons are healthy and happy, and I hope that more and more black-faced spoonbills will come to Taiwan.

Huang Weizhe instructed the Bureau of Agriculture to set up a total of 10 fixed binoculars in Qiguding Mountain Bird Watching Pavilion, Xuejia Wetland, and Sicao Reserve, which were also officially opened today.

Huang Weizhe said that the Black Piper Conservation Season was heavily publicized, attracting many tourists, sightseers and bird lovers to come to Tainan to chase, watch and record the graceful dance of black pipes.

In particular, Sicao Wildlife Sanctuary, Chiguding Mountain Bird Watching Pavilion, Xuejia Wetland Ecological Park, and Chigu Black-faced Spoonbill Reserve are important habitats for Tainan's four major black pipebikes, which are convenient for tourists to observe the black pipecle clearly.

The Bureau of Agriculture pointed out that the first black-faced spoonbill to come to Taiwan for the winter this year flew to the Qigu Black-faced Spoonbill Reserve on September 10. At present, more than 4,000 black-faced spoonbills have accumulated in Chiayi County, Tainan City, and Kaohsiung City. Spoonbill.

As the weather turns cooler, in order to avoid the death of black-faced spoonbills infected with botulism, the Bureau of Agriculture calls upon black-faced spoonbills to be found to be weak in activity, unable to fly or even squatting on the ground, with slightly open mouths, soft necks, In case of drooping wings, immediately notify the Bureau of Agriculture at 06-6321731 to shorten the rescue and treatment time and increase the survival rate of the black pipe relatively.

The 7 rescued black-faced spoonbills recovered smoothly and are now being released into the wild by Tainan Mayor Huang Weizhe and other people from all walks of life. At the same time, they called for efforts for conservation work.

(Photo by reporter Wang Hanping)