Whether or not the Songshan Airport will be relocated has become a battle for the by-election of the Beishi legislators.

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[Reporter Lin Liangsheng/Taipei Report] The Democratic Progressive Party’s Taipei Third Constituency Legislative By-election candidate Wu Yinong’s campaign headquarters recently released a poll, saying that Wu Yinong’s support lags behind his opponent Wang Hongwei by 4.5 percentage points. The KMT held a press conference today to question the poll. The unit, sampling method, and source of funding were not disclosed. It is "Auber" trying to influence the election, and it may lose both legally and politically.

Taipei City Councilor You Shuhui and the deputy chairman of the Kuomintang Cultural Affairs Committee Lin Jiaxing held a press conference today, questioning the poll released by Wu Yinong's camp a few days ago.

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Lin Jiaxing said that according to Article 53, Item 1 of the "Public Officials Election and Recall Law", "a political party or any person who acts as a candidate, recalled person, or The release of election and recall public opinion survey data shall specify the responsible survey unit and the moderator, processing time, sampling method, matrix number, sample size and error value, source of funding, etc.

Lin Jiaxing questioned that the press release issued by Wu Yinong's camp on December 24, including the survey unit, host, sampling method and source of funds, etc. has not been fully disclosed. This kind of self-run poll, which may violate the law, is intended to influence the election. , I am afraid that it will lose both legally and politically.

You Shuhui criticized Wu Yinong for "evading and evading" the controversies of her polls, political opinions and debates.

Obviously, Wu has never served at the grassroots level, and he wants to elect a legislator based on his appearance alone. Such a candidate is completely unqualified.

You Shuhui questioned that the relevant information of polls with real reference value will be fully disclosed. After going through the verification of the general election, word-of-mouth and trust have been established.

You Shuhui also said that when Wu Yinong raised issues such as the relocation of Songshan Airport, she should go to the debate field and publicly defend her political views. It doesn't even have to be Wang Hongwei. She can choose any Taipei City Councilor to debate, and she will debate the challenge with Wu Xia.