The pneumonia epidemic in Wuhan, China has rapidly intensified in recent days, and the demand for funerals has increased significantly. People have photographed the queues of cars in the Jiangnan funeral home in Chongqing.

(Extracted from Fang Zhouzi's Twitter)

[Instant News/Comprehensive Report] The outbreak of pneumonia (new coronavirus disease, COVID-19) in Wuhan, China has rapidly intensified in recent days. It has been reported that the demand for funerals has increased significantly. , There was a queue of cars outside the Jiangnan Funeral Home in Chongqing, which stretched to more than 2 kilometers; Jinan Wanglu Crematorium also had family members queuing with coffins.

Since China launched the new ten measures to optimize the epidemic prevention on the 7th, the epidemic prevention policies in various places have been greatly loosened. No mandatory nucleic acid testing, blockade and isolation. Full Man, Babaoshan has been changed to "24 hours a day service" in order to cope with the current special situation.

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Fang Zhouzi posted on Twitter today videos of the crowds queuing outside the Jiangnan Funeral Parlor in Chongqing and the crowds queuing at the Wanglu Crematorium in Jinan. The Jiangnan video also mentioned, "Yesterday, the queuing traffic only had one lane, but today it has changed to two lanes." The Jinan video can be seen Families lined up in filial piety, and coffins lined up beside them.

Fang Zhouzi wrote that the convoy for transporting corpses outside the Jiangnan Funeral Home in Chongqing had been lined up to "four kilometers" (the name of the place, nearly 2 kilometers away from the Jiangnan Funeral Home).

Netizens on Weibo said, “Shanghai funeral parlors have to wait in line for six days, and they spend money to go to Kunshan to do errands without any ceremony.” , It’s all true”, “A lot of people around me went to the funeral, I didn’t care about it at first, but after thinking about it, I realized that too many people passed away.”

In the Jiangnan Funeral Home in Chongqing, the convoy to transport the corpses outside has been lined up for four kilometers (place name, nearly 2 kilometers away from the Jiangnan Funeral Home).

— Fang Zhouzi (@fangshimin) December 26, 2022

Jinan Wanglu Crematorium

— Fang Zhouzi (@fangshimin) December 26, 2022 For related news, please see:

Please click here for the "Wuhan Pneumonia Zone", for more information, you can grasp it first-hand.

The pneumonia epidemic in Wuhan, China has rapidly intensified in recent days, and the demand for funerals has increased significantly. People have photographed the crowds queuing at Jinan Wanglu Crematorium.

(Extracted from Fang Zhouzi's Twitter)