Was reported for "sudden stop while driving" and was fined 18,000 yuan. The man appealed for injustice and filed an administrative lawsuit and won the case and revoked the original judgment.

(Photo by reporter Huang Liangjie)

[Reporter Huang Liangjie/Kaohsiung Report] A man surnamed Liu from Gaoshi was driving to the car maintenance factory. He happened to encounter a fast food restaurant in front of a car line waiting for the drive-thru lane. He signaled the cars to let him pass first. He suspected that one of the cars was angry and followed closely behind. Later, he was not allowed to drive into the maintenance shop first. Liu Nan once signaled to cut into the lane. The two cars drove back and forth and stopped three times. Liu could not drive the car into the maintenance shop until the car entered the drive-thru lane. Later, the police received a report that he braked suddenly while driving, and he was issued a heavy fine of 18,000 yuan and recorded 3 violation points.

Liu Nan refused to accept the penalty and filed an administrative lawsuit. The judge believed that Liu stepped on the brake three times just to argue with the other party. .

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The verdict pointed out that in August last year, Mr. Liu drove to a maintenance shop on Fengding Road in Fengshan District to repair his vehicles. Because there was a fast food restaurant next to the maintenance shop, there were many cars illegally parked at the entrance of the maintenance shop, waiting in line to enter. On the speedway, Liu Nan passed by and signaled one of the cars to let him pass first. Unexpectedly, after the car in front drove into the drive speed, the car behind followed closely and refused to give way.

Mr. Liu braked three times back and forth, and he could not drive the car into the maintenance workshop until the car entered the drive-thru lane. However, he soon received a ticket from the public, alleging that he braked suddenly while driving, and was fined 18,000 yuan. A ticket and 3 violation points will be recorded.

Liu Nan refused to accept it and filed an administrative lawsuit, claiming that the speed of the car was low at that time, and it was stop-and-go, the speed was less than 5 kilometers per hour, and the distance between the three stops was less than 50 centimeters. Fabricate and intentionally report, request to revoke the ticket.

The judge of the Kaohsiung District Court believes that the main legislative purpose of the so-called "sudden braking while driving" is to curb various common behaviors that endanger road safety, such as motorcyclists. Sudden reduction in speed, or braking on the lane or pausing in the lane is enough to hinder the safety of the lane and the traffic of people and vehicles. It is ruled to revoke this ticket, and it will be considered the most appropriate disposal.