Nanshi Speaker-elect Qiu Lili (second from left) and Deputy Speaker-elect Lin Zhizhan (second from right) accepted flowers from colleagues.

(Photo by reporter Cai Wenju)

[Reporter Cai Wenju/Tainan Report] The swearing-in ceremony for the members of the 4th Tainan City Council was held at 10 am on the 25th. In a round of voting, City Councilor Qiu Lili was elected as the speaker and Lin Zhizhan was elected as the deputy speaker, and they were sworn in immediately.

Members of the 57th seat of the 4th South City Council raised their right hands to read the oath under the supervision of Tainan District Court President Dong Wuquan. The heads of the department watched the ceremony, and the ceremony was successfully completed.

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After the inauguration ceremony of the councilors was completed, the process of election of the speaker and vice-speaker began immediately. Councilors Qiu Lili and Lin Zhizhan were elected as the speaker and vice-speaker respectively.

The two were sworn in according to the procedure, and Huang Zhida, a member of the Executive Yuan, served as the supervisor, handled the transfer of seals, and officially became the fourth speaker and deputy speaker of the Tainan City Council.

Qiu Lili said in her speech that she will do her best and go all out to gain the support of all party groups, regardless of party affiliation, and all members of parliament; at the same time, she will strive for a harmonious and smooth deliberation operation, uphold fairness, justice, openness, mutual respect and full communication The principle of coordination, joint supervision of the municipal administration will also be committed to promoting various welfare policies, caring for the socially disadvantaged, improving the construction of various local industries, actively seeking the greatest welfare for the citizens, and jointly creating Greater Tainan into a happy and livable international city.

Nanshi Speaker-elect Qiu Lili (left) and Deputy Speaker-elect Lin Zhizhan (right) were sworn in.

(Photo by reporter Cai Wenju)