Tomorrow, December 26, in the Orthodox calendar

, is the day of commemoration of the martyrs Eustratius, Auxentius, Eugene, Mardarius and Orestes


These men suffered at the hands of the emperors Diocletian and Maximilian, who were known for their persecution of Christians.

This happened around the time when the inhabitants of Cappadocia and Armenia believed in Jesus Christ.

Then the rulers were informed that the people could completely separate from the Roman Empire.

Saints tried to expose the executioners in cruelty, firmly professed Christianity.

For this they were tortured.

To this day, their holy relics are in Rome.

In their honor, our ancestors celebrated the Eustratus national holiday and said: "Eustratus is the sun of joy."

The church holiday on December 26 is the day of memory of Reverend Nikodim

Nikodim was born in Serbia around 1320.

He was raised by pious Christians.

Even in his youth, he went to Mount Athos and took monastic vows there.

Nicodemus performed many monastic feats, fought demons, read the Holy Scriptures.

And later he even became an abbot in a monastery.

Many considered Nicodemus to be their mentor and teacher.

Monks and laymen sought to receive a blessing and an instructive word from him.

The monk also founded several monasteries, but he always wanted solitude.

Therefore, he went to the Tismany River, where the Tismansky Monastery later grew.

Nicodemus prayed a lot and always tried to observe strict fasting.

The Lord also endowed him with the gift of healing, including from demons.

Therefore, people often came to him for help.

The monk died in old age, and after his death he was canonized.

Signs of December 26

Folk signs on December 26 / Photo: Pexels

  • magpies sit on the snow in warm weather;

  • wolves are howling near the houses - wait for frost;

  • pets try to drink a lot of water - there will be a blizzard;

  • the weather on December 26 shows what January will be like.

What can't be done tomorrow

The Church forbids cursing, quarreling and slandering on this day.

Otherwise, you may get throat problems.

You should not give your clothes even to charity, because the talent will leave you.

December 26 is considered an unlucky day for procedures related to the legs.

What can be done tomorrow

On December 26, it is worth praying for well-being, health and healing from diseases.

You can already start making plans and goals for the coming year.

Read also:

  • Holidays in December 2022: calendar of working days and weekends in Ukraine

  • What church holidays await Ukrainians in December 2022: calendar