Lin Maosheng, Secretary-General of Yilan County Government, will be promoted to deputy county magistrate.

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[Reporter Cai Yunrong/Yilan Report] Yilan County Mayor Lin Zimiao was re-elected, and will announce the list of small cabinets when she takes office tomorrow (25).

It is reported that Lin Jianrong, the 77-year-old deputy county magistrate, will no longer serve as secretary-general Lin Maosheng.

During Lin Zimiao's first term, she was on loan from then-New Taipei Mayor Zhu Lilun. At that time, Lin Maosheng was the deputy director of the New Taipei Public Works Bureau. In December 2018, she took over as the secretary-general of the Yilan County Government. In the past four years, the government has received positive reviews and affirmed her ability to handle affairs.

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After the general election, there was a lot of discussion in the government on whether the post of deputy county magistrate would change, and Lin Maosheng was almost poached by other counties and cities. However, it is understood that Lin Maosheng decided to stay in Yilan and was promoted to be the deputy county magistrate.