A truck full of crushed ice in Penghu collided with itself, and foreign migrant workers fell out of the car and fell to the ground.

(provided by the public)

[Reporter Liu Yuqing/Penghu Report] At noon today (24th), a small truck in Penghu shattered 10 boxes of crushed ice from the Magong Ice Factory and was about to send it to the fishing port. When it was going downhill, it skidded and misaligned, and hit Xiyu Kindergarten. 2 people were injured and sent to hospital.

The exact cause of the accident is still under investigation by the police.

At 12:20 noon, the Penghu County Fire Department accepted reports from the public that a traffic accident occurred in Xiyu Township Kindergarten, and some people were trapped in the car.

The Fire Department dispatched a total of 2 fire trucks and ambulances and 5 people from the West Island Team to rescue the fire, and the team leader Yan Zhuli commanded the scene.

The service personnel reported that there was a delivery driver and a foreign fisherman on the accident truck. The fisherman jumped out of the truck and fell to the ground, and the driver was stuck in the truck and could not move.

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The small truck that caused the accident was suspected to be going downhill from County Road No. 203 to Waidan Community, and hit a parked vehicle in front of Xiyu Township Kindergarten. , to assist the driver to get out of trouble.

The driver, a 59-year-old man surnamed Chen, was conscious, his vital signs were stable, and his left rib and left hip were painful. There was no obvious trauma on the exterior inspection. Rescuers immobilized him with a neck collar and a long backboard.

The vital signs of a 30-year-old male immigrant were stable, his consciousness responded to the sound, and he had multiple abrasions on his face and limbs. The rescuers cleaned the wound, bandaged it to stop bleeding, gave oxygen with a non-rebreathing mask, and fixed it with a collar and long backboard.

Both were sent to the Penghu Branch of the Tri-Service General Hospital for treatment.