Occupied by the Russian military,


is gradually turning into a military base.

The StratCom of the ZSU informs about this in the Telegram channel.

Direct confirmation is that the priority for the construction of absolutely all large objects is given to one of the official developers of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, PRC "Military Construction Company".

During the occupation of the city, the company had already managed to build a huge medical facility, which was announced as a "Multifunctional Diagnostic Center", but in fact it is a large military hospital, to which civilian patients do not have access except in special cases.

This institution is easy to spot from the air, it has a huge inscription "Army of Russia" on one of the buildings.

Also, this company takes an active part in the demolition of many buildings of microdistricts 3 and 4, housing for the military will be built.

Locals who suffer at the hands of invaders get only places in the cemetery.

For example, the size of the Old Crimean cemetery has increased many times over the past few months, because everyone who disagreed with the actions and decisions of the occupiers found their last place there.

When they can liberate Mariupol

The Russian occupiers

are preparing for a new battle for Mariupol

, because the concentration of enemy military units is now being recorded near the city.

The ex-commander of the US ground forces in Europe, Lieutenant General Ben Godges is convinced that 

Ukraine can liberate Mariupol and Melitopol by January 2023


In his opinion, Russian soldiers are poorly prepared.

Meanwhile, the

Russian military began issuing Russian passports to Mariupol citizens


First of all, passports will be issued to those who work for budget institutions. 

Read also:

  •  "Murderers, you bombed it": a schoolgirl was detained in St. Petersburg for writing on an installation about Mariupol

  • All of humanity mourns: the legendary American singer recorded a poignant song about Mariupol

  • Andriy Bednyakov showed pre-war New Year's Mariupol and admitted what he misses the most

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