Some Chinese netizens disclosed that Feng Zijian, deputy director of China's National Center for Disease Control and Prevention, revealed in a speech at Tsinghua University on the 6th that China's vaccines can hardly prevent infection.

(European News Agency)

[Instant News/Comprehensive Report] After China relaxed the epidemic measures of Wuhan pneumonia (new coronavirus disease, COVID-19), it caused a major outbreak.

Recently, some netizens revealed that when Chinese epidemic prevention officials gave a speech at Tsinghua University, they said that China's vaccines can hardly prevent infection.

According to the "Ms. Li is not your teacher" post on Twitter, some Chinese netizens disclosed that Feng Zijian, deputy director of China's National Center for Disease Control and Prevention, gave a speech at Tsinghua University on December 6, admitting that China's domestic vaccines have very poor protection and can hardly prevent infection.

Feng Zijian also predicted that China's epidemic prevention policy will be greatly liberalized in the future. It was originally planned to rely on vaccines to strengthen the public's resistance to the virus before opening up, but it does not seem feasible at present, so the measures have to be relaxed.

Please read on...

Feng Zijian said that regardless of the extent of the relaxation of the epidemic prevention policy, it will definitely have an impact.

About 60% of people will be infected.

After the cumulative infection rate has eased, 80%-90% of the people may have been infected.

After experiencing a large-scale infection, the virus will gradually passivate, and become a common disease after widespread epidemic.

According to a Reuters report, many Chinese are reluctant to receive domestically produced vaccines.

A doctor from Shenzhen said in an interview that although the Chinese medical community does not doubt the safety of domestic vaccines, there are still doubts about the effectiveness of domestic vaccines compared with foreign-made mRNA vaccines.

However, the Chinese government has not yet approved any foreign Wuhan pneumonia vaccine to enter the Chinese market.

At present, the content of the lecture given by the deputy director of the National Center for Disease Control and Prevention at Tsinghua University

— Teacher Li is not your teacher (@whyyoutouzhele) December 6, 2022 For related news, please see:

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