It is rumored that the National Taiwan University Institute of Development will stop recruiting new students for master’s in-service special classes and bo classes. National Taiwan University stated that it has not received any news so far.

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[Reporter Zhang Weizhen/Taipei Report] Former Hsinchu Mayor Lin Zhijian and Taoyuan Mayor Zheng Wencan's master's thesis of the National Institute of Development of National Taiwan University were found to be plagiarized one after another, and the degree of the National Institute of Development was revoked by National Taiwan University. The outside world requested relevant accountability and investigation.

A few days ago, it was reported that the National Taiwan University Academy of Social Sciences held an internal meeting on the 7th of this month to discuss "whether to stop enrolling new students for the master's and doctoral programs of the National Development Institute in the next academic year."

As for whether it has been decided to stop enrolling new students for the in-service master's program and doctoral program of the National Institute of Development for the next academic year, the Office of the National Development Institute of National Taiwan University said it did not respond, and the school of National Taiwan University stated that it has not received any information so far