Taipei Mayor Ke Wenzhe delivered his resignation speech at the press conference for the 8th anniversary of his inauguration, and confronted You Shuhui.

(Photo by reporter Tian Yuhua)

[Reporter Zheng Mingxiang/Taipei Report] Taipei Mayor Ke Wenzhe launched the revitalization plan "Taipei Bear Coupons", but the process continued to be controversial. Taipei City Councilor You Shuhui recently threatened to ask for relevant information. Is she (You Shuhui) useful? Don’t enjoy all the benefits before going to sue”, You Shuhui fought back, because the city government’s system was painted, “I have never used Xionghao Coupons”, criticizing Ke Wenzhe for using public money for favors, it is simply “got it It’s cheap and good.”

Ke Wenzhe launched the ultimate "Xionghao Coupon" one week before leaving office, but the validity period is only 3 days. Criticized, Ke Wenzhe has no intention of handing over, but before leaving office, he spent money to buy tickets in the business district. After the new city government takes office, he will ask for complete verification and write-off materials. If there are any problems, he may send them to the Overwatch Council.

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In this regard, Ke Wenzhe led the head of the Beishi Municipal Bureau to hold a press conference for the 8th anniversary of the "Graduation Ceremony". When interviewed after the meeting, he sneered and said: "Is she (You Shuhui) useful? Don't enjoy the full benefits before going to sue .”

You Shuhui immediately counterattacked, saying that she was invited by the Beijing Municipal Government to play the role of a doll in the Korean drama "Squid Game" last year, and co-produced a video with Ke Wenzhe to promote Xiong Hao Coupons. , I gave up after trying a few times, and also because the paint of the city government system has faded, "I have never used Xionghao Coupons."

You Shuhui angrily criticized that the Ke City government has always only talked about gimmicks and topics, but the implementation was rough and lacquered.

He angrily denounced Ke Wenzhe for pushing this policy as just spending public money as a favor, which is basically "getting a good deal and being a good boy".