The head of the Kremlin, Vladimir Putin, who started the war against Ukraine and has already killed thousands of people, cynically stated once again that "the special operation is a forced measure."

He also raised questions about her pace.

This was announced on December 22 during a press conference after the meeting of the State Council in Moscow.

"The intensification of hostilities leads to unjustified losses, the hen pecks at the seed," he noted.

According to him, "the soldiers of the Russian Federation in a special military operation achieve what the country needs."

Unfortunately, he did not specify what exactly.

However, he added that "the special military operation is a forced and necessary measure, so we should be grateful to the Russian soldiers."

Who exactly forced the head of the Kremlin to take such a "forced and necessary" step, as well as what the Russian soldiers should be thanked for, also remained a mystery.

"The sooner the conflict in Ukraine ends, the better," the dictator concluded his speech about the "special operation".

We will remind you that Russian President Vladimir Putin is spending more and more Russian budget funds on the war against Ukraine. 

Meanwhile, in Lithuania, it was noted that the only thing that can stop the head of the Kremlin in his intentions to seize Ukraine is weapons.

Read also:

  • Putin said that Russia "wanted to become part of the civilized world", but they were prevented

  • Putin unexpectedly changed the goals of the war: "Don't spin the flywheel of the military conflict"

  • Putin's letter to Xi Jinping: what the head of the Kremlin asks the leader of China to do