

, a 49-year-old employee of one of the capital's administrative service centers will appear before the court.

The official called for the seizure of state power.

She was detained in the fall.

This was reported by the Kyiv police.

The investigation established that the supporter of Putin's forces called for the overthrow of the constitutional system in Ukraine, incited national enmity and justified the actions of the occupiers.

The traitor carried out her informational propaganda through a fake account in the social network.

Her posts were aimed at inciting national enmity and hatred, as well as justifying the actions of the Russian army on the territory of Ukraine.

Law enforcement officers searched the place of residence.

Physical evidence of criminal activity was seized from her.

In addition, the police found almost 180,000 Russian rubles, 3,330 dollars and 865 euros in the house.

Now the investigators have completed a pre-trial investigation and sent the indictment to the court.

The court also granted the motion to remove the official from her position.

The woman faces up to ten years in prison for the crime. 

It will be recalled that the

SBU detained another traitor in the Mykolaiv

region, who cooperated with the invaders during the temporary capture of part of the region.

In particular, he helped the enemy in strengthening their positions, namely, he transferred the stolen property of citizens to the needs of the Russian occupation groups on the southern front.

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