[Reporter Lin Yizhang/Report from Chiayi] A 4-month-old baby girl in Shuishang Township, Chiayi County was found to have no heartbeat by her 19-year-old father the day before yesterday. She was rushed to the hospital but died. The baby girl had no trauma.

The autopsy by the prosecutors and the police initially ruled out abuse or suffocation, and a physical examination has been taken to clarify the cause of death.

The 19-year-old man found his daughter with purple lips and no heartbeat the morning before, so he rushed to give first aid and notified the fire brigade. The mother of the 16-year-old baby girl also relayed CPR.

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The police inspected on the 19th that the baby girl had no trauma or suffocation due to spilled milk. An autopsy was performed today. The baby girl has no physical trauma and no medical history. At present, the body will be collected first, the drug test will be carried out, and the internal organs will be sliced. As a result, the cause of death was clarified.