DPP Nantou County Councilor-elect Shen Suzheng questioned that Xu Shuhua's announcement of the personnel list was mediocre, and she would fulfill her duties as a councilor and supervise the county government.

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[Reporter Xie Jieyu/Nantou Report] KMT Nantou county magistrate-elect Xu Shuhua announced today the list of the first wave of small cabinets. There are 5 people including former Water Conservancy Director Wang Ruide as deputy county magistrate. Among them are Qiu Shaowei, director of planning, and Cai Mingzhi, director of news and administration. The two people are considered to be Xu's right-hand man. Shen Suzheng, the county councilor-elect of the Democratic Progressive Party, said bluntly that these two people have been controversial, but they are still reused by Xu, making his small cabinet full of mediocrity. Following the spirit of Lin Jingyi, a legislator who is both a teacher and a friend, he encouraged and supervised these two people and the county government.

Shen Suzheng said that Cai Mingzhi was originally the director of Xu Shuhua's Congressional Office, and he stood up to defend Xu many times during the plagiarism storm. It is questioned by the outside world that it is involved in gravel-related cases. It stands to reason that cabinet members should have professional backgrounds and qualities in order to use their talents to do a good job in serving the people. People can't help but want to ask the county magistrate Xu Shuhua what professions and strengths he would like to borrow from these two candidates talent?

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In particular, the Planning Office of the county government is responsible for various planning projects, with huge funds and wide coverage. Is it really a good thing for Nantou people and the future of Nantou?

Shen Suzheng emphasized that after she took the oath of office on the 25th of this month, she will start to supervise various planning and development projects of the county government, and fulfill her duties as a gatekeeper for the people.

The personnel list announced by Xu Shuhua is as follows: Deputy County Magistrate Wang Ruide (former Director of Water Resources), Director of Information and Administration Cai Mingzhi (Director of Legislator Xu Shuhua's Congress Office), Director of Public Works Jian Qingsong (current Director of Land Affairs), Director of Land Affairs Lin Qiyu (now Information and Administration Director) and Planning Director Qiu Shaowei (former confidential secretary of Nantou County Government).

In the list of personnel announced by Xu Shuhua, the mayor-elect of Nantou County, Qiu Shaowei, the former confidential secretary of the Nantou County Government, will serve as the director of planning for the county government.

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In the list of personnel announced by Xu Shuhua, the mayor-elect of Nantou County, Cai Mingzhi, the director of the Congress Office, will be the head of the county government's information and administration department.

(The picture is provided by Xu Shuhua Service Office)