The occupiers of


cannot sleep.

Melitopol Mayor Ivan Fedorov said this in a message on the social network.

According to the report, two loud explosions were heard in different areas of the city on the night of December 20.

"Probably the orcs are checking the readiness of the New Year's fireworks.

And we are checking what is wrong in Russia," he summed up ironically.

What is the situation in temporarily occupied Melitopol

We will remind that recently there was a

flight to the building near Melitopol, where about 150 Russian occupiers were staying


In this way, another den of occupiers was eliminated. 


in Melitopol, the Armed Forces of Ukraine sent two hundred occupiers to the other world at their bases


Wounded Russian servicemen were immediately taken to Crimean hospitals, because the Melitopol ones already lack places.

The Russian

occupiers are also forcibly mobilizing the residents of Melitopol

to replenish their terrible losses at the front.

Summons are being issued to men of draft age with the requirement to arrive at the military commissariat soon. 

Read also: 

  • In the occupied Melitopol, the Armed Forces of Ukraine "double-crossed" the analytical unit of the FSB - Fedorov

  • Tusa succeeded in becoming famous: explosions rang out near Melitopol in a club where Russian "mobs" were staying (video)

  • The Russians organized places of detention in the temporarily captured Melitopol: what is known

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