Nanliao Masked Girl Troupe, kneading chicken and bitches has become a local tourist feature.

(Photo by reporter Liu Yuqing)

[Reporter Liu Yuqing/Penghu Report] Penghu’s traditional winter solstice customs are very different from those of Taiwan’s main island. Every family in Taiwan eats glutinous rice balls, which symbolizes the inheritance of ancestor worship and reunion; Such elements of common people's culture have now become characteristic tourist attractions, represented by Nanliao Village in Huxi Township.

Because Penghu is surrounded by the sea, the geographical location is relatively poor, and life is relatively hard. In ancient times, most of the rural areas raised chickens, pigs and ducks.

Chickens and paparazzi made during the Penghu Winter Solstice Festival include almost 12 zodiac signs such as cow, sheep, pig, dog and rooster. Now there are also birds, ducks, geese, fish, etc., and even symbols such as ingots and airplanes are all kneaded products. One of the items, and from the original plain color to more colorful colors.

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Kneading "chicken and paparazzi" is also made of glutinous rice. It is first soaked in water and then ground into rice milk. In the early days, it was ground by human stone mills. Now most of them use machines, which are quick and time-saving. Then they are compacted with stones to drain the water. Finally, the glutinous rice is kneaded and kneaded into rice balls, and then the vegetable cocoons, glutinous rice balls, or chicken hen paparazzi are made, and then red rouge is added. After steaming, it is completed.

The South Liao Community in Penghu was designed as a tourist experience itinerary, and the Penghu County Government Tourism Office built the Chicken Mother and Paparazzi Park, creating a characteristic rural image of Penghu and successfully making a name for itself.

Because the traditional custom of pinching "chicken hens and paparazzi" is one of the only remaining traditional customs in Penghu that has been passed down for hundreds of years, transforming unique cultural elements into sightseeing features.

Nanliao Village uses masked girls to knead chickens and dogs for sightseeing, which not only appear during the winter solstice, but also can be arranged throughout the year, bringing fresh water to Penghu sightseeing and becoming a local must-see itinerary.

Penghu chicken bitch has become a colorful and special sightseeing through the changes of the times.

(Photo by reporter Liu Yuqing)