Yang Yao, a legislator of the Democratic Progressive Party, believes that the defeat of the Democratic Progressive Party was not caused by a single factor.

(Photo by reporter Liu Yuqing)

[Reporter Liu Yuqing/Penghu Report] The Democratic Progressive Party’s defeat in this general election was like a mountain. Only Penghu’s blue sky turned green, which aroused criticism from all walks of life, and even pointed the finger at Premier Su Zhenchang, but the legislator who led the green camp to victory in Penghu Yang Yao said that the defeat was not caused by a single factor, and he thanked Su Kui's team for their support for the construction of Penghu.

Yang Yao said that although the Democratic Progressive Party successfully reached the front with a low vote rate in Penghu in the five-in-one election, it has no capital to be happy; the result of the election means that the people of Taiwan must conduct a deeper self-examination of the voice of the ruling party and respond to public opinion.

In the past three years, Dean Su Zhenchang led the administrative team, and despite the global epidemic, he still handed over a good governance report card. Compared with other countries in the world, Taiwan has outstanding performance.

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At the same time, Yang Yao also thanked Su Zhenchang for his support for various constructions in Penghu over the past three years, from the upgrade of medical equipment in the two hospitals, the replenishment of medical manpower, and the construction of the long-term care medical building of the Ministry of Penghu Hospital; Subsidies for the improvement of Zhongshan Baseball Stadium and Dachengbei Swimming Pool; Magong 10,000-ton desalination plant is about to be completed, Qimei and Jibei desalination plants have been contracted for construction; classes have air-conditioning, school playground renovations; county roads, village roads leveling; strengthening, revitalizing and beautifying the seawall; increasing funds to assist Penghu’s autumn tourism promotion and national travel subsidies, etc.

However, during the epidemic period, the control measures caused inconvenience to the people’s lives and impacted the economy and people’s livelihood. Although there were measures such as bailouts and economic revitalization, they still could not cover everything. The outbreak of the Ukrainian-Russian War made the people realize that wars are not the only ones It is recorded in the annals of history, but it is now in progress. It also makes the public rethink cross-strait issues. The government, a big machine, must operate in accordance with the legal system. How does the DPP optimize this machine, respond to public opinion, and make policies close to public opinion? wisdom of rulers