Criminals are openly selling counterfeit thousand-yuan Taiwan dollars online.

(Reporter Liu Qinghou flipped from Facebook)

[Reporter Liu Qinghou/Taipei Report] The end of the year is approaching, and counterfeit banknote groups are starting to move around!

Yesterday someone used the online community Facebook (FB) to openly spread the sale of thousands of counterfeit NT dollars at a low price, claiming to be "99% reproducible, tested dozens of banknote detectors", and attached a large number of photos of thousand yuan banknotes .

The Taipei City Police received the report and launched an in-depth investigation.

According to data from the No. 7 Security Team and the Bank of Taiwan, a large number of counterfeit U.S. dollars and New Taiwan dollars will flow into the market around the New Year's Eve. It shows that criminal groups will take advantage of the Chinese New Year's Eve to buy banknotes and use them as fake ones, seriously disrupting the social economy.

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It is understood that some criminals posted a post on the Facebook community group, boldly saying, "You need money urgently, find me! You can pass the money detector, 99% re-scaled, tested dozens of money detectors, without any problems, the market normal circulation".

The other party and leave LINE contact information.

The Taipei City Police received a report yesterday and felt that the behavior of those who posted and sold counterfeit banknotes was too bold and obviously involved in illegal activities. They will investigate the identity of the person involved through channels.

However, the police do not rule out that criminals who solicit and sell counterfeit banknotes on the Internet may be just a gimmick to defraud "people who intend to commit crimes."

The victim did not dare to report the crime knowing that he had been deceived.

The No. 7 Security Corps said that according to the current law, exchanging counterfeit banknotes violates the provisions of Article 201 of the Criminal Law "Exercising counterfeit securities".

The crime is not light, please be careful and avoid breaking the law.