The princess poured gasoline on her ex-boyfriend's house and set it on fire.

(provided by the public)

[Reporter Huang Jialin/Kaohsiung Report] A couple in Daliao District, Kaohsiung City broke up last year. The woman surnamed Wang suspected that a third party was involved. In the past six months, she went to the house of her boyfriend surnamed Lin 9 times to smash cars and paint. Lin applied for a protection order. She went to Lin's house to set fire to it by pouring gasoline, and almost set herself on fire in the process. The Kaohsiung District Court sentenced her to 5 years and 6 months in prison for attempted homicide.

The judgment pointed out that at 2:6 in the middle of the night on February 19 this year, Wang Daughter went to the Lin House in Daliao District and set fire to the screen door. The fire brigade put out the fire. She seized the case and investigated and dealt with it according to law after the interrogation.

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Lin Nan's relatives and friends posted posts on social networking sites, alleging that Wang Nu and Lin Nan had been boyfriend and girlfriend. After breaking up, Wang Nu went to his house to splash paint and smash cars many times. Ignored the protection order and continued smashing cars, splashing paint, and setting fire to Lin Nan’s house. Fortunately, the neighbors found out in time and called the police, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous. Could it be that the victim could only live in fear every day, questioning "Is the protection order just a piece of paper for a horrible lover?" ?”

Since the princess committed crimes after drinking every time and suffered from physical and mental distress, after the re-examination, the prosecutor worried about the possibility of recidivism, so she appealed to the court for approval.

During the trial in the Kaohsiung District Court, the queen confessed to committing the crime, but argued that she was just trying to scare Mr. Lin and had no intention of killing. , Violation of the protection order part will be sentenced to 5 months in prison, fined by Yike, and can be appealed.

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Peace of mind hotline: 1925

Lifeline consultation hotline: 1995.

Teacher Zhang’s hotline: 1980☆People who encounter violence in their cohabitation relationship can call 113 for protection, or seek help from local government domestic violence prevention centers.