Qiu Chenyuan, a legislator of the People's Party, believes that in order to fundamentally solve the problem of high egg prices, the Council of Agriculture should actively assist in improving the breeding mode of chicken farms and transforming them into non-open farming methods.

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[Reporter Huang Jingyu/Report from Taipei] The price of eggs in Taiwan has risen this year, but recently it has been reported that the price of eggs in Japan is only 70% of that in Taiwan, and one egg is less than NT$5.

Qiu Chenyuan, a legislator of the People's Party, believes that to fundamentally solve the problem of soaring egg prices, the Council of Agriculture should actively assist in improving the breeding mode of chicken farms, transforming to non-open breeding methods, and reducing the risk of factors such as climate, disease, and epidemics. Interference, to further increase the egg production rate of laying hens, can the price be set by quantity.

Qiu Chenyuan criticized that Chen Jizhong, chairman of the Council of Agriculture, not only failed to solve the problem of egg shortage and egg price, but also failed to maintain the existing export channels for agricultural products. Domestic, export and processing "three arrows" were resolved, but the ticket was skipped. Later, the import of grouper was stopped by China, and Chen Jizhong launched "banban eat grouper", but the ticket was still skipped. Played it, directly showing that high egg prices are not a problem.

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Qiu Chenyuan pointed out that the Council of Agriculture clearly knows that it can reduce the interference of factors such as climate, disease, and epidemics by transforming the breeding mode of chicken farms into non-open farming, thereby increasing the egg production rate of laying hens, and fundamentally curbing the laying hens. The problem of soaring prices has been unable to do so for many years.

Qiu Chenyuan believes that Chen Jizhong "should think carefully about the issue of whether to stay or not."