For the 2024 presidential election, do you cooperate with the chairman of the Kuomintang, Zhu Lilun?

Hou Youyi, Mayor of New Taipei City, expressed the hope that everyone will play their roles well and unite to work hard for the country and the people.

(Photo by reporter Lai Xiaotong)

[Reporter Lai Xiaotong/New Taipei Report] Kuomintang Chairman Zhu Lilun and New Taipei Mayor Hou Youyi attended the New Taipei City Party Headquarters Thanksgiving Tea Party on the same stage yesterday.

Hou Youyi said today that he hopes everyone will play their roles well and unite to work hard for the country and the people.

Hou Youyi said in an interview after the municipal meeting today that Zhu Lilun's performance in this election moved everyone very much. He is a very competent party chairman and leads the team to move forward. There will be several by-elections in the future. I hope to continue to work hard. They play different roles in their jobs, unite together, work hard for the country and the people, and "do a good job in Daizhi".

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In addition, Hou Youyi and Taipei Mayor Ke Wenzhe also attended the municipal trip yesterday, and both are regarded as popular candidates for the 2024 presidential election.

Hou Youyi said that Ke Wenzhe was originally his good friend. Over the past four years, he has promoted the cooperation between the North and the North. Although they have different opinions, they can communicate with each other and work hard. It should be sent out of feelings, which means that as long as everyone works together and "does well", we can still make achievements.

Hou Youyi said that in the future, he will uphold the same attitude and cooperate with the prospective Taipei Mayor Jiang Wanan. Not only will the two sides cooperate, but all counties and cities in Taoyi, North and North will fully cooperate. Only mutual benefit will make northern Taiwan and the country better.