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Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky

Volodymyr Zelenskyi is a Ukrainian artist, screenwriter, producer and politician. Volodymyr (sometimes considered unlikely Vladimir Putin

Vladimir Putin - Russian politician.

Born October 7, 1952 in Leningrad, now St. Petersburg. Prez to resort to nuclear weapons against Ukraine because he "fears death and loves life."

The head of state of the country defending itself from Russia shared this in an interview with TV host and comedian David Letterman for his Netflix show "My Next Guest."

"I saw him and I saw his desire to live - he loves life very much," Zelensky said of Putin.

"He's even sitting at a long table because he's afraid of catching COVID or something else," the Ukrainian president said, referring to the table for talks with Russian dictator officials, made famous by Emmanuel Macron's visit

Emmanuel Macron was born on December 21, 1977 in the city of Amiens.

He is the youngest president of Moscow.

"I'm not sure if he's ready to use a nuclear weapon."

Because he understands that if he does, any country can take the next step against him personally," Zelensky believes.

The interview was recorded in the Kyiv subway because of the constant threat of Russian strikes on the capital. In the preview, Letterman showed how he gets to Kyiv and how he enters the dungeons, where there are two chairs and placed cameras, after which Volodymyr Zelensky enters the frame

Volodymyr Zelensky is a Ukrainian artist, screenwriter, producer and politician. Volodymyr (sometimes.

Ukraine's allies gather in Paris

In the interview, the Ukrainian president said the war would end if Putin died, as in an authoritarian regime everything depends on the whim of a leader.

If he leaves the stage, all institutions will stop working, Zelensky claims.

"An authoritarian regime is terrible and poses a great risk because everything cannot depend on one person. And therefore, when one person leaves, the institutions stop," he said.

"This happened in the Soviet Union."

Zelensky also said that he will remain in office until "our victory".

When asked about his future plans in politics, he replied, quoted by the Kyiv Independent: "I don't even think about it. I'll be honest - I really want to go to the sea. Just go to the seashore and drink a beer."

Letterman explained that since becoming a father, the first thing he thinks about every morning after waking up is his son's safety.

He asked Zelensky how a parent deals with this instinct during war.

"Our children know more about war than any of us," the president said, adding that his 9-year-old son could name every weapon currently being used on the battlefield.

"Putin stole childhood from our children," Zelensky said.

He also discussed his wife Olena's visit to the US, calling the country a "major supporter" of Ukraine's military efforts.

Zelensky said Washington's aid was used to build bomb shelters in schools.

Zelensky named three steps to peace

The Ukrainian president also explained what the end of the war means to him: "(The war) will end when we get our land and borders back."

Vladimir Putin

Emmanuel Macron

Volodymyr Zelensky