Tainan City Councilor Gu Mu.

Ha did not run for re-election this time. She was sentenced to probation for 5 years and deprived of public rights for 5 years by the Tainan District Court for fraudulently receiving assistant fees. She also had to pay another 300,000 yuan to the state treasury.

(File photo, photo by reporter Cai Wenju)

[Reporter Wang Jie/Tainan Report] Tainan City Councilor Gu Mu.

Ha served as a councilor for the first and second terms after the merger and restructuring of Tainan County and City. During this period, she was involved in fraudulently receiving more than 9 million yuan in assistant fees. A dime fell into her own pocket; the lawyer emphasized that although the amount was large, it was still insufficient to cover personnel and office expenses of more than 13 million yuan, and hoped that the judge would be lighter; because she returned the proceeds of crime, the Tainan District Court sentenced her to 5 years of probation and deprivation of public rights In five years, another 300,000 yuan will be paid to the state treasury.

In 2010, when Gu Mu served as the first member of Parliament, he began to report assistant fees. He hired his ex-mother-in-law as head, and asked his sister to help her apply for assistant fees to the parliament. In fact, she only paid 5,000 to the ex-mother-in-law. At the same time, Gu Mu found other heads, and asked his ex-mother-in-law or himself to withdraw the head’s salary and condolences as daily living expenses. In the past 8 years, he has falsely reported more than 9 million assistant fees. After suing, he also admitted that he did not set a good example, so he announced that he would not run for the election.

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If converted, Gu Mu has reported about 90,000 yuan in assistant fees every month for 8 years. During the trial, Gu Mu hid her face and cried in remorse, saying that she never put a dime of the money in her pocket. Township residents, regardless of party or affiliation, throw themselves into politics. She confiscated money from consortiums or donors, and had to pay out of pocket for any situation, but she unexpectedly fell into assistant fees.

Not only Gu Mu, but also Tainan blue and green councilors who falsely report assistant fees are often reported. Gu Mu's lawyer said that Gu Mu was exhausted physically and mentally for this case. Although the amount was large, it was still not enough to cover personnel and office expenses of more than 13 million. Yuan, ask the judge to give a lighter sentence and give him a chance of probation.

Gu Mu Ha, together with the co-defendant Gu Mu's mother-in-law and sister, pleaded guilty in court and asked the judge for a lighter sentence.