Hsinchu mayor-elect Gao Hong'an of the People's Party has recently been deeply suspicious of Congressional Assistant Fee.

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[Reporter Qian Lizhong/Taipei Report] The Hsinchu Mayor-elect of the People's Party Gao Hongan was accused of fraudulently receiving congressman's assistant fees. The investigation recently consulted the Personnel Office of the Legislative Yuan to obtain the list and documents related to the application of public assistants by the Higher Office, and compared the previous administration of the Higher Office. Director Huang Huiwen provided the salary declaration and "provident fund" internal accounts to clarify whether they match. I also learned that Gao tried to contact Huang Huiwen and other 4 former and current cadres before the election. Is the content of the conversation related to the case?

Is there any abetting certificate involved?

It will be clarified after the investigation and interview.

After Gao Hongan was exposed before the election that he was involved in the case of a congressman's assistant fee, rumors from the high office and the People's Party continued to flow out; the investigation learned that Gao suspected that he had tried to contact Huang Huiwen, the high office who had been questioned by the outside world about his salary and donations Two former cadres including the former director "Shenlong Z9" Wu Dawei; two current cadres of the High Office, including Chen Huanyu, the director of the High Office, and Huang Linghui, the current administrative director, are also the objects of Gao's frequent contact.

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Gao Hongan's frequent contact with two current office cadres may be based on official needs, which is also common sense. As for Huang Huiwen and Wu Dawei who have left Gao's office, if Gao tried to contact them, is there any special reason?

Did you talk about related issues such as the salary declaration of public assistants?

At present, among the 4 former and current cadres of the Higher Office, only one Huang Huiwen has been interrogated and interviewed, and the remaining 3 have not been interviewed. , can the truth come to light.

In addition, the weekly report today mentioned that "...Gao Hong'an secretly met with assistants in Shuangbei and Hsinchu at least 4 times before the election, and asked to delete key conversations and accounting data...In order to appease the most critical witness "Little Rabbit" Huang Huiwen Before the election, Gao had personally appeared many times in person, or sent someone straight to Xiaotu’s home in Nangang, Beishi, to meet her... Gao was harassed many times, and Xiaotu finally let Gao get started with another current assistant... Gao In addition to trying to comfort Xiaotu by saying: "We are in the same boat" and "We will not be guilty", he also tried to persuade Xiaotu not to bite her back, but Xiaotu refused... Xiaotu's husband, the prosecutor, even washed his face face to face Gao, it is you who will be guilty of Gao, not my wife!


Did you try to appease the assistant, did you mention "someone will fix the justice" and other suspicious circumstances?

Gao Hongan publicly stated today that this is simply impossible. She believes that rumors stop at the wise. Many of the weekly reports are false. I don’t know how to fabricate them. There is no way to clearly explain the content. I can only emphasize again , Respect the prosecution and the judiciary.

The Beijian, which is investigating the whole case, said today that the weekly magazine (online) on today (13th) reported the content of the Gao Hongan case. The department has always strictly observed the relevant regulations of "investigation non-disclosure" in its investigation and handling of cases, and did not disclose the content of the investigation. This case will continue. The investigation is in accordance with established procedures, and it is inconvenient to comment on the content and details of the report.

Call on the outside world not to make unnecessary speculations, so that prosecutors have the space to handle the case without interference.