Taekwondo players from Jibei National Primary and Middle Schools in Penghu performed well in the Zhuluoshan Cup in Chiayi.

(Provided by Xu Lubao)

[Reporter Liu Yuqing/Penghu Report] Jibei Elementary School participated in the Chiayi Zhuluoshan Cup National Taekwondo Championship this year. Head coach Xu Lubao and coach Zhuang Guanyu led the competition with 11 players and won 13 golds, 8 silvers and 5 bronzes. Almost everyone has The brand, the "Beiwu" Taekwondo Hall located on Jibei Island in the North Sea of ​​Penghu, once again made its name in national competitions.

Jibei Island is a tourist attraction in the north of Penghu. There are primary and secondary schools on the island. Xu Lubao, a retired policeman, serves as a taekwondo instructor on a voluntary basis. Promising to subsidize the construction of gymnasiums, Xu Lubao hopes to hold national competitions to promote the development of Jibei tourism and the atmosphere of martial arts.

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Taekwondo players from primary and secondary schools in Jibei, who participated in this year's Chiayi Zhuluoshan Cup competition results, duel training: Chen Lichen first, Ding Chenxi first, Chen Yuyu first, Ding Boan second, Chen Lien second, Chen Youxuan second Name, Chen Youxin 2nd, Chen Lien 3rd; Pinshi: Chen Yuyu 1st, Chen Lien 2nd, Chen Xien 2nd (junior high school), Ding Chenxi 3rd, Chen Youxuan 3rd, Chen Lien 3rd name.

Defeat: Chen Yuxuan first place, Chen Yuyu first place, Chen Youxin first place, Ding Chenxi first place, Chen Lien first place (Primary 4), Chen Lichen first place, Chen Lien first place (Primary 6), Chen Xien first place First place (junior high school), Lu Yuanting first place (junior high school), Ding Xuxuan second place.

Doubles: Lu Yuanting/Chen Xi'en 2nd place (junior high school), Chen Lien/Ding Chenxi 3rd place.