Legislative candidate Wu Yinong invited Yi to pay a visit.

(Photographed by reporter Fang Bin)

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Magnificent Taiwan publicly recruited the Kuomintang to question Wu Yinong's fake public welfare campaign

[Reporter Cai Sipei/Taipei Report] The KMT questioned today that the Grand Taiwan Alliance, chaired by Wu Yinong, a legislator candidate for the third constituency of the Democratic Progressive Party in Taipei, applied to the Ministry of the Interior for a "public solicitation" of 6.9 million yuan with a "backup plan". Some of the funds were used for publicity, questioning "fake public welfare, real campaign".

Wu emphasized today that the accounting and election affairs are completely separated, and it is regrettable that the election has fallen into distortion and personal attacks.

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In an interview in the morning, Wu Yinong said that it is regrettable that the election has fallen into distortion and personal attacks. He emphasized that as the chairman of the Magnificent Taiwan Alliance Association, he is very clear about the accounting affairs, and the accounting affairs are completely separated from the election affairs.

As for the outside world's concern about whether there are association personnel to assist, Wu emphasized that the personnel of the Magnificent Taiwan Association and the election personnel are separate.

The Kuomintang held a press conference today, questioning the grand Taiwan alliance, applying to the Ministry of the Interior for a "public solicitation" permit, and using the "backup plan" to publicly raise funds on the Internet. The fundraising expenses are not used for public welfare but for Wu Yinong's campaign propaganda .

The Kuomintang pointed out that Magnificent Taiwan applied to the Ministry of the Interior for "public solicitation" of 6.9 million yuan with the "backup plan", of which 4.42 million yuan was used for publicity, which is a fake public welfare campaign.