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A driver who drove a car under the influence of drugs and without license plates was detained in the mountain village of Slatina in the municipality of Berkovitsa, the Regional Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Montana announced.

During an inspection in the village, it turned out that a 48-year-old man sat behind the wheel after using amphetamines, and was driving a car that was not registered and had no license plate.

Two pre-trial proceedings were initiated against him and he was detained for a day in police custody.

In one day, the Ministry of Internal Affairs caught 41 drunks and one drugged person on the road

The ODMVR - Montana reported to BTA that since the beginning of the year, 68 people were found and detained in the region, who drove after using drugs.

For the entire year 2021, the number of detected drugged drivers is 45. The increase is due to several factors, but the main one is the increased checks by traffic police teams on the roads, the police directorate said.

drugged driver
